
Thursday, 10 January 2013

Lee Eun Hye in black

Hey guys, just wanted to tip anyone who wants to view the pictures in other ways. By holding Ctrl and clicking the picture you can open the picture up in full resolution in a new window. Alternatively you can download them by holding Alt and clicking. Just some tricks to make life a little easier :P

Enjoy the set. Let me know if there are any requests in the comments :)


  1. Electronegativity10 January 2013 at 16:53

    Thanks for the hint, I didn't know about alt+click before. Keep on going, the pics are very nice.
    But I would appreciate if you think more creative about your blog - make it more entertaining and appealing for visitors. Just think about it.

    1. No worries, pretty useful sometimes!

      And thanks for the feedback. That is the plan. There's a couple of things I wanna add and I'm thinking of redesigning the whole website itself. But for now I want to concentrate on content and will slowly work on things as I go. Did you have any specific ideas in mind?

    2. Electronegativity12 January 2013 at 17:14

      Sure, tell a bit about Korean culture, food or about the models themselves. Actually, all I really know about them is that they're hot :). A better layout is also a good idea. There's no limit - get inspired by this beauty :)
